Our Process
With so many moving parts and decisions being made, it is critical to be organized and to communicate clearly. We have developed a proven workflow and deploy tools that make this possible. Our unique Finish Schedule ensures deadlines are met, budgets are adhered to and that nothing is missed. Project Sites are cloud based and keeps relevant information at the fingertips of people needing it. The amount of decisions made, finishes to be selected and statuses to be monitored on most home renovations can be staggering.
Home owners attempting to tackle this themselves often become overwhelmed which can cause project delays and costly mistakes and a general lack of having any fun with the process. The Finish Studio is here to add structure, accountability and apply lessons learned from many other projects so that clients can focus more on the creative elements.
Finish Schedule - FS
This is the hub of our workflow- it is a single place to put all needed information so that it can be acted on in the most efficient way possible.
Requirements List (REQ) -
All finishes needed are entered into the FS to include the room/area, person responsible, category (plumbing, lighting, countertops…) and any additional detail known at the time. The goal is to capture as much as possible so nothing is overlooked. In this stage questions about each item can be entered so that the most complete description of each requirement can be achieved.
Purpose Driven Reporting-
The flexible filtering & sorting features allows reports to be created that focus on what is needed at the time without compromising the content of the entire schedule. Owners may have a report that shows what's been approved and the cost, where the GC will see the status, install info and item specifications - all generated from a single file. As the project progresses so too does the FS to help keep the information needed front and center for efficient and thorough action.
Communication / Collaboration-
Because the FS is cloud based it can be shared with selected people involved in the project with specific permissions to view what they will need to see / contribute on.
Critical Path-
The organization of the FS allows everyone to stay on schedule and see what is coming up so that the project is never waiting on a decision, additional information or the on site delivery of the material.
For the professionals- (architects, builders, developers), the FS provides a working template for any future projects. Reusing or “tweaking” an existing FS will save time and money.
Finish Specs / Install Notes-
Any information needed for install is part of the item record and can be easily referenced, shared or printed. These could be drawings or lists to show instal locations, material transitions, edge details, etc.
Project Site:
Where does all of this information live? Some is likely to be sent in emails, texts etc - but finding it later can sometimes be difficult. We have discovered the need for a single cloud based solution that homeowners, General Contractors and designated trades can have access to to locate the information they need when they need it. Typical things found are: plan sets, finishes selected and their specifications, installation instructions/ drawings, accounting, site photos, inspiration photos, current REQ and FS. When a project is finished these assets will be available to be archived by the homeowner. Often this site becomes a great place to go when homeowners want to show people the progress of their renovations and all of the amazing finishes that are being used.